Slots Charm is a welcoming platform for European players, offering a user-friendly website with a leprechaun-themed design. Featuring licensed slots, table games, and a sportsbook, it caters to diverse gaming preferences. With a generous promo system, Slots Charm aims to be your lucky charm. Read our review to learn all the key details and decide if it’s the right choice for you!
Slots Charm
Slots Charm
- Huge Welcome Pack from 3 deposits up to £3000
- Competitive in fascinating tournaments and lotteries with impressive prize pool
- Play popular slots from leading providers
Overall Rating
Slots Charm Info
- Casino: Slots Charm
- Website:
- Established: 2020
- Minimum Deposit: £40
- Deposit Bonus: £3000
Bonuses and Promotions at Slots Charm
All new players after registration are interested in bonuses they can claim. Slots Charm is a bountiful casino, where you can always expect useful and lucrative gifts. Their welcome bonus offer has three steps:
175% up to 1000 EUR | ||
150% up to 1000 EUR | ||
125% up to 1000 EUR | ||
175% up to 1000 EUR |
You can get many other bonuses via email or find special offers on the website (e.g., bonus for connecting to Telegram bot). Slots Charm has a classic approach to the promo system; therefore, they invite every player to participate in lotteries and tournaments.
Don’t be surprised when we say that lotteries have prize pools up to £100,000, and unbelievable presents (scooters, Apple Gadgets, smartphones, and laptops). Slots Charm free spins can be won in a special event called ‘Lucky Ticket’ with very alluring terms. There is always at least one tournament at the casino, which allows you not only to win cash gifts, but play the most popular and lucky slots.
Game collection and other entertainment
Slots Charm Sign-up
Mobile Adaptability
There are a lot of demands from players, so that the perfect casino grant them access to games under any circumstances. That is why the casino has made a Slots Charm mobile version of the site, which is adaptable to any modern gadgets. You can use a phone or a tablet, no matter how big or small the screen resolution is, and what system it’s powered by. After opening the site in a browser and logging in, you have limitless options, including playing slots, conducting transactions, and using every part of the bonus system.
Payments at Slots Charm Casino
The most nerve-racking questions at this casino are simplified as much as they can be, so that you won’t worry about the money you deposited or won. If you prefer simplicity, then you’ll like that deposits can be made with ordinary cards — Visa (with a £40 minimum deposit) or MasterCard, which has Slots Charm minimum deposit limit of £10, alongside the system called Binance. For withdrawal purposes you can use bank wire, MasterCard, and one other interesting option. At Slots Charm, you can use crypto, for both deposits and withdrawals. A minimum deposit amount for Bitcoin is £75, and for Tether — £100. You can withdraw a maximum of £2,000 per day.
As for the time of all transactions, deposits are almost instant, and withdrawals can take up to 96 hours. Before money is wired to you, you should create a request. It can only be done, if your profile is filled with all required data, and there are no unused bonuses left. Slots Charm withdrawal is also possible, if you made at least one payment in the last month.
Slots Charm Support Centre
The casino made sure that all their players queries will be solved in a jiffy. Their qualified team of support representatives is ready to help you all year long, even on holidays. The first option for resolving any issue, it’s an FAQ section. You can check it for yourself, and maybe you won’t need to contact support. If the matter still isn’t solved, you can contact Slots Charm directly, using:
- A Live Chat — a blue tab on the right side;
- Email — [email protected];
- And a phone contact — +44 (203) 9668312.
For those, who are always nervous about their personal data and its safety, especially when it comes to money, the casino has a special ‘Privacy policy’. It’s stated in their terms, that the casino keeps all your data in a storage, and cannot pass it to anybody, except authorities. Moreover, no one is able to intercept it because the site works via encrypting protocols, which are basically cyphering all information.
Slots Charm Casino represents an all-inclusive gambling platform with all the things that the player may need. Apart from their main theme, we liked how easy the site works. Even if you have never played at an online casino before, you’ll be a navigation pro in no time. 450% as an introductory bonus as an excellent gift for every beginner. Additional prizes and bonuses can be won in numerous casino events. At Slots Charm, you’ll never worry about casino games because their game collection will guarantee you no boredom whatsoever. Your gaming routine can become very diverse thanks to sportsbook, speciality games, and Live casino. Gambling with Slots Charm will bring you only positive vibes, particularly with their professional support team and easy-going payments. If you become interested, do not hesitate, and get advantage of their welcome offer!